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How to fix Nextcloud 16 desktop client login loop

Since upgrading to Nextcloud 16 a few weeks ago I've not been able to get my desktop sync clients to work. The issue manifested itself as a 'login loop' where I would log in to a sync client, provide my 2FA token and then click grant access only to be promptly dumped back at the original login screen. Rinse and repeat a few times before giving up.

At first I suspected 2FA was at fault so I temporarily disabled this. Nope.

Eventually after creating my own thread on the Nextcloud support forums I found the issue, a missing configuration parameter in config.php.

PSA - We already suggest you set these parameters in our LetsEncrypt container - you can find the config here.

Full details (and credit) can be found in the following support thread here. The full fix can be found on Github here and a snippet is below:

I had a similar issue regarding the redirect , mine was related to url overwrite protocol option that should be set in config/config.php . In previous version this was not necessary but apparently since 15.0.2 it is. So I had to go from (config.php) {...} 'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://domain.lu', {...} to {...} 'overwrite.cli.url' => 'https://domain.lu', 'overwritehost' => 'domain.lu', 'overwriteprotocol' => 'https', {...}

Turns out this has actually been a bug since 15.0.2 but for some reason I never ran into it. This issue is specific to running out of a container because of how localhost is handled with proxy_pass. A full explanation is here and a snippet is below:

Whenever a redirect happens, like from the /apps/ to the /apps/files/ path, NextCloud now redirects using the server provided hostname and port instead of the one requested by the client. For instance, if running via Docker on localhost:8000 and using a proxy pass with cloud.example.com, the address cloud.example.com/apps/ will redirect to localhost:8000/apps/files/.

So there you are, a nice quick post today but hopefully this saves you some trouble in the future.