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How to fix Nextcloud 16 desktop client login loop

How to fix Nextcloud 16 desktop client login loop

Since upgrading to Nextcloud 16 a few weeks ago I've not been able to get my desktop sync clients to work. The issue manifested itself as a 'login loop' where I would log in to a sync client, provide my 2FA token and then click grant access only to be promptly dumped back at the original login scr...

9th Jul 2019 - IronicBadger
Getting started with ZFS on Linux

Getting started with ZFS on Linux

After attending Linuxfest Northwest 2019 where both Allan Jude and Jim Salter gave excellent talks about ZFS, I finally gave in and decided to implement ZFS on my server. I wonder if being a ZFS junkie is a TechSnap host pre-requisite? Here's a short article giving a ZFS 101 intro and list of comm...

14th May 2019 - IronicBadger
New Hard Drive rituals

New Hard Drive rituals

That new hard drive. Should you trust it? Maybe.

Over the last 10 years that I've been messing around with Linux servers (hence the name of the site by the way) there's been one thing above all else that's always required special care - hard drives. They are mechanical beasts just waiting to eat y...

29th Oct 2018 - IronicBadger
How to configure systemd boot with UEFI

How to configure systemd boot with UEFI

Today we will cover configuring a Linux system to boot using systemd boot on a UEFI system.

Firstly you'll need to check you're booted into EFI mode. You can do this with dmesg | grep "EFI v".

Sometimes it's possible to boot your system from legacy BIOS mode instead of UEFI mode - look for the...

17th May 2018 - IronicBadger
Ansible Tip - Using the expect module

Ansible Tip - Using the expect module

Another Ansible top tip. Suppose you are running an installer or other process via Ansible which expects the user to be present accept a license agreement, enter some information or something. Enter expect, a handy little utility which can listen for certain strings in stdout and react accordingly...

23rd Mar 2018 - IronicBadger
Ansible Tip - Referencing items from a hash

Ansible Tip - Referencing items from a hash

Let's say you are in the midst of writing an Ansible playbook and you need to reference multiple values from an 'item' in different places. Here's a neat code snippet that will allow you to do just that.

hosts: all 
  file_path_1: /usr/bin
  file_path_2: /example
  file_path_3: /opt
23rd Mar 2018 - IronicBadger